Firstly we created out production credits. We came up with 'Purple Lake Productions' as a distributer as we thought the photography looked mysterious and eerie, conforming to the horror genre. The additive dissolve transition is effective as it changed the image from black and white to colour. It helps build suspense and engages the audience. We named our production company 'On Track Productions' as we thought it sounded professional, bearing in mind it's original and chosen by my group. We then found a black and white 'GIF' whereby it looks as if the viewers are sat on a train travelling down the tracks. This is also in black and white as it has a more creepy and frightening effect conforming to the horror genre. We feel these production credits are appropriate when advertising our trailer as they are unique and original. They make viewers feel interested and more enticed to carry on watching and see what the trailer and companies have to offer. The imagery is also at a high standard quality making the overall product look professional and expert. The use of the ticking soundtrack is effective as it makes audiences feel they are running out of time as they are travelling up the tracks. This reflects our chosen genre as it creates a tense atmosphere and leaves viewers feeling uneasy.
Throughout our trailer we included titles to help piece together every scene. Firstly we have 'Some say that clowns'. this is interesting as it leaves the viewers questioning what the answer will be and what the trailers opinions are on clowns. They also may not know how the clown is being depicted, meaning they will carry on watching to find out. Next we have 'Aren't to be afraid of'. This one is used to show that there are two types of clowns, friendly and entertaining but also evil and murderous. I feel this is effective when advertising our film as it subverts the expectations of a horror, however creates questions and thoughts from the viewers. Furthermore, we have 'Some people haven't met him'. We used this as we wanted to narrow down the questions to one particular character. By doing this, audiences begin to realise there is only one antagonist and only one clown. We made the 'Him' red as it connotes death, blood and danger. This is effective when portraying our antagonist as evil and frightening. Lastly, we have 'And others wish they hadn't met him'. This is successful as it answers all the questions and demonstrates our antagonist as creepy and scary. It shows how the clown has a haunting presence, and isn't wanted to be seen. We have this 'Him' in red the same reasons and meanings. All the titles work well together when advertising our product as it keeps audiences interested and keen to find out what's going to happen as the titles read the story in more detail. We added a 'Smear' transition to the titles meaning they close down on screen. This conforms to the horror genre as they become sharp looking which suggests slasher, but also looks like dripping blood which suggests death and murder.
We wanted to make our trailer appear successful and popular. We included 'The scariest film of 2017-Diverse Film'. This is a quote which we took from our magazine as we wanted to link them together. The quote is appropriate as it makes our trailer seem like its extremely scary appealing to thrill seekers and people who enjoy getting scared. As our film is a horror it helps make it conform to the genre and stereotypes. I think this helps sell our trailer and we found that the majority of our target audience favour horror films and like the feeling of being tense and anxious. When reading the magazine they will be persuaded to watch the final product of 'Jokes On You'. Furthermore we have 'Winner of audience choice award 2016'. This demonstrates that our film has been chosen by audiences, viewers and members of the public as one of the most successful films of 2016. This will convince people to watch the film as if something is popular in the media, people are far more likely to go and watch that particular film. Lastly, we have 'This Spring'. This is effective when advertising our film as its giving the release date the the viewers. Once people find out when the film is being released they are more likely to remember the date and go see the product.We continued to use the 'Smear' transition as it conforms to the horror genre whilst looking like all the other titles.
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