Friday, 7 October 2016

Audience And Certificate Research-

Image result for certificate research 15

Every film, whether it's a child's fairy film or a gory horror has a labelled certificate. These certificates include U, PG, 12, 15 and 18. The certificate is there as some scenes aren't suitable for the younger ages as well as having a target audience.
The target audience for our film is a 15, this is due to the story line, plot and characters. We also feel our film will attract this age group as it's not massively scary, violent and aggressive. 

A 15 certificate is aimed at ages 15+, this is due to the types of conventions, story lines and characters which are presented in the film. We believe a clown film would be rated a 15 as we don't intend to use massive amounts of blood and gore. A 15 must not display discriminatory language, however, there may be racist and homophobic themes used throughout the films. There may be drug use, however the film would not promote drugs or show scenes of highly dangerous drug misuse. Scenes including suicide, self-harming and hanging would not be shown in too much detail or effect the viewers. Strong language is permitted, however, depending on the context and person using it. Nudity, and sexual activity will be shown however in little detail. Strong threat and horror will be demonstrated throughout, although, sadistic and sexual threat will not be displayed. Violence may be strong but should not exaggerate on the pain or injury, the strongest gory images are unacceptable and sadistic violence wont be shown. 

Orphan, The Grudge 2 and Scream 4 are all examples of films certificated 15. All the films include fair amounts of gore as well as unnatural possessions. 

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