For costumes, we have mildly decided what we will all wear to make the trailer appear as realistic and representative of the horror genre as possible.

For our clown costume, we have decided to edge away from the stereotypical outfit including the orange, yellow and red tones as we feel it would look too cliche and we don't want to copy our inspirational trailers. We thought the black and white diamond shape costume would work best as the black connotes death, sinister and scare. The red buttons and wig will work well when helping the red balloon stand out. It will also emphasis on the red balloon which we have decided to use in our title. We also want to get a mask, as we feel it will make the appearance look even more scary and hide the identity of our antagonist. I like the black and white costume as it's original and different to the type's of clown films which have come out recently and in the past. For example in 'IT' the clown is wearing a yellow jumpsuit with orange and red frills/buttons. This is too normal and we feel the clown wont appear scary enough in these bright colours. The only prop the clown will have is a balloon to lure in children, we feel a knife or gun would be to cliche and immediately show he wants to kill the victims.

For our protagonist we want her to be dressed in brighter colours ephasising on her innocence and vulnerability. We feel something like the image I have placed on the left would be suitable for her outfit as the lightly coloured jeans and top help subvert from the horror genre and make it overall more exciting. Nadiye is our protagonist, we want her to look unsafe and unprotected enabling the audience to sympathies with her. This will also help as she will be given prevalence, making the audience relate and connect with her the most. Warm bright colours suggest a positive mood and meaning which is effective in a horror film as it questions audiences about the storyline and makes them feel slightly confused. If we were to use cool dull colours the protagonist would look far more negative and scary which is what we want to avoid. Her outfit will immediatly reference her as innocent and the main subject as the other characters are either wearing costumes or dark black colours.

For our two bully characters, we feel a whole black outfit will be the most effective when conforming to the horror genre. The dark colours connote death, murder and misery which is what we want to convey in our trailer. We want the viewers and audience to understand who the bullies are and we feel by using dark colours they will immediately understand. The outfit choice will also look as if they are teaming up with the clown, however, due to the name of the trailer it's not quite what it seems.
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