Furious 7 is an American action film staring all the originals including Vin Diesel. The film includes crime, violence, weapons, cars and technology which all conform to the action genre.
The trailer opens with a medium shot of a character sitting in a car. Through his dialogue he states "Let's get to work" implying they are about to race. The car and walky-talky are all examples of the impressive technology used in action films. The soundtrack is fairly fast pace demonstrating something exciting and thrilling is about to occur. The lighting appears fairly dark and mysterious helping keep the atmosphere tense and the events unreadable. The diegetic sound in shot is all the characters in conversation discussing what they are about to do and how they are going to do it. You can hear by the way they speak some are more nervous than others.

As the soundtrack becomes louder and has occasional outbursts of drops in the tune the lighting becomes much brighter. The camera pans backwards showing the audience all the impressive looking cars and technology. The scene then fades to black as it pans backwards showing an birds eye view of a plane travelling over a desert. This suggests the cars are in the plane and are about to land. Through a characters dialogue we understand they are about to carry out the manoeuvre "Here we go!" as we here this there is a close up shot of a foot pressing down on the accelerator implying to the audience they are about to move.

As the soundtrack mutes, all we the audience can hear is strong whistling winds. This demonstrates how fast the car is traveling through the sky. A low angle shot shows the car falling out the plane in spinning motions. This positions the viewers to feel anxious and nervous. A close up shot shows the character looking tense as he tightens onto the wheel and pushes the parachute button. It looks as if the shot has been made slower in pace to get a better more effective result.

We begin to hear stronger sound effects of winds as the cars are falling out the plane. This establishing shot is effective as it shows all the cars following each other one by one. This implies they work together and trust each other. A montage of shots shows the characters dropping their parachutes and landing on the ground. The diegetic sound is of car revs and metal bashing and braking. A close up shot of a character looking happy and smug as he states "Oh Yeaaaah!" expresses his relief to be safe but also how cool and exhilarating that must have been.

As the cars speed increases and the soundtrack becomes faster in pace it positions the audience to understand something is going to occur. We then see a close up shot of the lorry they are following raise its side and present loaded guns. The trailer cross cuts to a close up shot of one of the characters shout "Oh shhh". This implies they are in danger and there is about to be a lot of violence. Another cross cut shows a close up shot of a hand push a big red button, enabling audiences to realise thats the trigger to release the bullets. Sound effects of gun shots hitting cars are present in shot as we are left to feel they are under attack. The fast pace gun shots and car chasing all conforms the action genre. As Vin diesel shoots spikes into the back of the lorry a close up shot shows him pressing a button enabling him to rip of the back of the lorry. We see a slow motion medium shot of people inside the lorry get thrown about as their is an explosion in the back. The explosion connotes, death, thrill and violence which all relate to the action genre. A close up shot shows a character slam on the breaks suggesting they need to come to a stop, sound effects have been created to get the effective skidding noises.

Match on action is then used to show a character jumping into the lorry to try and save someone. The diegetic sound at this point is of cars accelerating and cars crashing. This is effective as it all relates to the action genre. The character is presented as brave and masculine in the way he jumps to try and save someone. Gun shots are still being fires which connote violence and murder. A close up shot shows the character looking helpful and worried as he explains "I'm gunna get you out of here".
As the trailer continues the lorry flips over and is falling of a cliff. The soundtrack becomes much faster in pace and higher in pitch to get a tense and anxious reaction from viewers. We are able to see the pure determination as the character runs towards safety. The slow motion makes it more effective as you don't know whether he will make it or not. It also drags out time making the audience feel more taut. This conforms the action genre as its very dangerous and life threatning.
As the character makes it to safety and clenches onto the back of a car a close up panning shot shows the speed at which they are traveling in and his pure determination and strength in which he is using to keep himself alive. We leave the slow motion and mellow soundtrack to sound effects presenting acceleration, skids and wheel spins. These all connote thrill and excitement due to the technology and car chases.
There is then a montage of shots where they explain to the audience they are being hunted. This long shot with a faded view of the city is effective as it shows the location and setting of production. Match on action is used to show the characters preparing their armour and weapons as they prepare to fight. Loud and aggressive sound effects have been created to show the guns being loaded and the strength in which they have been locked. Through a characters dialogue he states "One last ride". Shot reverse shot shows the two looking at each other in agreement.
The soundtrack then becomes very upbeat and party music like. A medium shot shows very nice/flash cars speeding past the camera lens as it constantly flashes black then back to the scene. I feel this is very successful in making the trailer more engaging as it becomes more fun and thrilling. A fast pace zoom then presents all the main characters walking down steps towards the camera, the low angle makes them look extremely powerful and superior. It then cross cuts to a car race, a low angle shows the cars looking powerful and forceful. One of the cars is Audi which suggests the film has a very high budget and is looking wealthy and successful. We then see a montage of shots including car chase, gun shots, violence and character conversations.

The trailer finishes with a close up shot of a girl looking scared and worried. The diegetic sound in shot explains "Like it or not, you and your friends are a part of it now". This makes viewers feel sympathy for the characters but also confused in what it means. The main character through his dialogue responds with "I don't have friends, I got family". This makes audiences see that they all work together as a team and support one another. The trailer ends giving Paul Walker prevalence, making audiences connect with him the most. This may be intended as unfortunately he passed away during filming making the director want viewers to understand the pain and sympathise with him the most. Vin Diesel is last to speak also being given prevalence.