Beauty And The Beast is a upcoming American romantic fantasy film directed by Bill Condon. The film is a live action remake of the 1991 animated film Beauty And The Beast. The film stars Emma Watson, Dan Stevens and Luke Evans.
The trailer opens with a panning shot of a a castle. The scene is presented as dark and mysterious. There is impressive use of CGI as there are snowflakes in shot but also the main subject in which is the castle. The soundtrack as this point sounds familiar implying its the same music used in the remake from the original.
The use of the panning shot continues as it begins to show us the inside of the castle, we see beautiful glistening chandeliers as the sunlight reflects of the glass. However the lighting begins to fade making the room look miserable and abandoned. The soundtrack is the same tune making audiences connect with the film as it reminds you of the beloved 1991 original.
The trailer pans upwards beginning to show viewers the whole castle. Spider webs are clearly shown between banisters implying the castle has no one looking after it or cleaning it. As the lighting darkens we see spider webs spreading throughout the shot. The soundtrack becomes slightly faster in pace and a lot louder, a long shot is used to show a large painting hanging up in the castle. This suggests it had a rich superior family living inside. The people in the painting are wearing thick fury jackets and gold jewellery. This connotes they are King and Queen.
The scene zooms in closer and closer to the young boy in the painting. Suddenly the soundtrack stops and a aggressive/scary sound effect is used to show a rip in the boys face. This implies some kind of creature has ripped the painting due to disgust and anger. Being a viewer myself and knowing the film I understand it's the beast in which has seen the paining of himself as human and feels horrified by what he has become.
With a dip to black the diegetic sound is a door opening with a uncomfortable creaking noise. We then hear dialogue in the background "Look! A girl!" in a French accent. This implies the Candle is present in shot, "What if she is the one?!" From this conversation we understand a girl is needed to perhaps break the spell and conforms to the romantic fantasy genre.
The scene dips to black when suddenly we hear a soft gentle "Hello?". Through this dialogue we understand the voice is the character in which is labelled 'Beauty'. A panning zoom out technique is used to show the rose in the jar, the rose plays a significant part in this film as it's all about when the last petal drops. We then see a girl looking at it, a long depth of field is used to show the flower out of focus and the girl in focus. The trailer ends with a dip to black with gold writing "Be Our Guest" this along with a single petal falling from the top of the scene invites viewers to see the film and feel completely welcome. The release date is the presented on screen showing audiences the date in which they can see the film.
I feel this trailer has been very successful in creating excitement and interest, especially as a lot of viewers already know the story and events in which occur. The trailer hasn't given to much away and hasn't spoilt what the beast looks like as I can imagine there is extremely impressive CGI effects.
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